Wednesday, July 29


What he's singing:

"My God he was, my God He is, My God is always gonna be.

My Savior lives, my Savior loves, my Savior's always gonna be..."

(with apologies to Aaron Shust)

What the video didn't catch...Sam started trying to sing the song too. I'll try and catch that for you later. That's the prob with Random Acts...sometimes I don't get it on film...I have to take a mental snapshot, and just remember it !!

Friday, July 24

Piece by Piece

Sometime it really seems like a puzzle. A puzzle piece is the symbol for autism awareness, didn't you know? The last few days have been difficult with Myles. It seems like nothing we say gets through to him. I have been working a lot this week, and finally had the chance to spend a little one on one with Myles. Like most children, Myles craves attention. And he will use whatever means to get it.

The symbol for autism is a puzzle piece. But it is not a missing piece. We have all the pieces we need for Myles and Sam. And they are showing us the picture to put it together.

Piece by....

Myles and his first 100 piece puzzle (with a little help from mommy)

Monday, July 13

a little dirt

What is "Appropriate Play"? And who determines that? My experience as a father has been a different lesson than what most men learn. Teaching The Boys (yes, I always capitalize that) what is meant by appropriate play must first include teaching them what is not appropriate.

It is not appropriate (hate that word by the way) to look at the UPC on the back of books. Nor is "play" looking at a spinning wheel, or reflective material, or pushing a video cassette box around with your foot. And though it makes a little boy feel better to do those a job is to teach them...."Play".

By the way, I stink at this job. First I had to relearn "Play" myself. And what better way than with Hot wheels cars and dirt. Simple, really.
Take a bare spot in the yard, a spoon or butter knife, and carve out some roads. What boy could resist?

And he couldn't !!! And that is my Random Act.

Now...go enjoy playing with your children !!!

Sunday, July 5

It's just a cup right?

So the other night we gave Sam his drink cup at dinner. Nothing new there, he has been drinking without a sippie cup for quite a while. As he got through with dinner, and finished his drink he began to play with his cup.

And he began to turn it in his hands, saying "A ....Buu....Di...E....Eff...G.....Ja...I...Mmm...."

Babbling you say? Just silly sounds from a boy not yet talking? Definitely not. You see, The Joyfullness and Sam has been practicing a little song. And it is a random act of cool...

It's just a cup, right ?