Friday, June 4


Imagination. Creative play. Thinking outside of the box. Day-dreaming. These are typical kid things. Who hasn't played with Hot Wheels in the dirt or brushed Barbie Doll hair? Or run over said Barbie Doll with your Hot Wheels in the dirt? I mean, that's just what "play" is all about.

For my son Sam, imagination comes in spurts. I see it more every day, and it takes my breath away.

Like the other day when I saw him play with a toy airplane in the backyard. As he swirled it around his head, I could hear him saying "Brrrmm, Brmmm".

And most recently, I caught him at the dining room table with a candle.

OK, not a real candle, but one of those battery powered tea lights that flicker in a votive jar. It even has a realistic looking flame that comes out of it.

Anyway, there's Sam with this flickering "candle" in his hands, and he starts singing:

"Happy Birfday to you...Happy Birfday to you....Happy Birfday, Happy Birfday...Happy Birfday to you.

Then Sam puffs and puffs and "blows" out the battery powered candle, simultaneously flicking off the switch. And the candle goes out.

Please excuse me why I enjoy this Random Act of Cool.

Like I said...Takes my breath away.

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